Support our mission!

Support OUR club free of cost!

Like any other sports club, Badminton Sport N Socialize | Rudra United is a local initiative confined to the region of Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant. There are several members who volunteer selflessly for success of this initiative, mainly, because:

  • They love Badminton AND
  • They believe in our club’s mission of Promoting Badminton, Development of Talent and Networking.

However, in spite of being a Badminton-lover or believer in our Mission, not every club member/visitor/player may have the ability to volunteer in club activities like Event management, helping with Youth Training, managing IT systems, etc. And, that’s totally fine! It is understandable each one of have different priorities and constraints that we juggle through in our day to day lives! 

Everyone, however, can show their support towards our unique club in variety of ways. SponsorKliks is one such great way, which does not cost Time, Effort or any additional money! Read through to know more…

What is SponsorKliks?

With SponsorKliks you can help OUR club Sport N Socialize earn a small contribution, without spending anything extra! Cool, right?


Lets start with an example:

If you order a pizza online via Thuisbezorgd or buy a gift through, SponsorKliks will help Sport N Socialize with a small commission to help work towards our mission.


Also, large online stores such as Coolblue, Booking and Expedia also participate in this program. A percentage of the purchase amount goes to Sport N Socialize. And again, it won’t cost you anything extra!


Want to do your bit when you shop online next time?

Then make sure that from now on you make your online purchases via the SponsorKliks page of Sport N Socialize. A small effort for you, but OUR club Sport N Socialize also benefits from it. You can click on the banner on our website or go directly to Then click on the store logo.



A word from SponsorKliks.. How does it work for us?

Very simple. Webshops pay a commission for every order from a customer that comes through
We deposit 75% of this commission into the bank account of Sport N Socialize. Whether you go directly to Bol, for example, or you go to the Bol site via, you pay the same. Only in the latter case will Bol pay us a commission and Sport N Socialize will benefit directly from this!


Note: no commission on Books
In the Netherlands there is a fixed book price per law, so NO commission may be given on books.


You remain anonymous
Neither SponsorKliks nor Sport N Socialize knows who has ordered something, because you do not have to log in. ClickSponsor only knows from which webshop something has been ordered, for which order amount and which commission is intended for Sport N Socialize. They know that because you went to the relevant web store via a click on ClickSponsor. Because ClickSponsor only registers that an order has been placed via ClickSponsor at, for example, Bol and it is not known who has placed this order, it is extremely important that you only let the orders you place online go through ClickSponsor. A direct order that you place at Bol will not give Sport N Socialize anything.


Visit the SponsorClick page of Sport N Socialize